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Secure file sharing is the process of transferring files online in a way that protects them from unauthorized access, modification, or disclosure. Secure file sharing is important for complying with the information security management system (ISMS) standards, such as ISO 27001, which aim to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.

There are different ways to share files securely online, depending on the type, size, and sensitivity of the files, as well as the preferences and needs of the sender and the receiver. Some common methods are:

  • Cloud storage services: These are online platforms that allow users to store and share files over the internet. Cloud storage services offer secure file sharing and protection with various security features, such as permission-based access, password protection, encryption, virus scanning, ransomware detection, and more. Some examples of cloud storage services are DropboxGoogle DriveOneDrive, and Internxt.
  • Email attachments: These are files that are attached to an email message and sent to one or more recipients. Email attachments are convenient for sharing small files, but they have some limitations and risks. For example, email attachments may have size limits, may be blocked by spam filters, may be intercepted by hackers, or may contain malware. Therefore, email attachments should be encrypted and scanned before sending or opening them.
  • File transfer services: These are online tools that allow users to upload and download files from a server. File transfer services are useful for sharing large files that cannot be sent via email or cloud storage. However, file transfer services may also have some drawbacks, such as limited storage time, bandwidth restrictions, or lack of security features. Therefore, file transfer services should be chosen carefully and used with caution. Some examples of file transfer services are WeTransferMediaFire, and SecureDocs.
  • Virtual private networks (VPNs): These are secure connections that create a private network over a public network. VPNs allow users to access and share files securely from any location, as if they were on the same local network. VPNs encrypt the data that is transmitted over the internet, making it unreadable to anyone who intercepts it. VPNs also hide the user’s IP address and location, enhancing their privacy and anonymity. Some examples of VPNs are ExpressVPNNordVPN, and CyberGhost.

To choose the best way to share files securely online, you should consider the following factors:

  • The size and type of the files you want to share
  • The number and identity of the recipients you want to share with
  • The level of security and privacy you need for your files
  • The speed and reliability of your internet connection
  • The cost and convenience of the service you want to use



Physical security is the protection of information and information processing facilities from unauthorized physical access, damage, or interference. Physical security is an essential part of information security management system (ISMS) as it helps prevent or reduce the impact of various threats such as theft, vandalism, fire, flood, or natural disasters.

According to ISO 27001, the international standard for ISMS, physical security should be implemented in accordance with Annex A.11, which covers the following controls:

  • A.11.1 Secure areas: This control requires the organization to define and establish security perimeters and boundaries for areas that contain sensitive or critical information and information processing facilities. The organization should also control access to these areas using appropriate measures such as locks, alarms, guards, or CCTV cameras.
  • A.11.2 Equipment: This control requires the organization to protect equipment from environmental threats and hazards, such as dust, water, heat, or power fluctuations. The organization should also prevent unauthorized access to equipment by securing cables, ports, and removable media. Additionally, the organization should ensure proper maintenance and disposal of equipment and media.
  • A.11.3 Working in secure areas: This control requires the organization to establish rules and procedures for working in secure areas, such as restricting unauthorized visitors, prohibiting unattended equipment or media, and ensuring clear desk and clear screen policies.

Physical security is not only applicable to the organization’s premises but also to any other locations where information and information processing facilities are used or stored, such as home offices, mobile devices, or cloud services. Therefore, the organization should also consider the physical security aspects of its suppliers, partners, and employees who work remotely or travel frequently.

If you want to learn more about physical security in accordance with ISMS, you can check out these web search results:




Cloud security is the set of cybersecurity measures used to protect cloud-based applications, data, and infrastructure from unauthorized access, online attacks, and insider threats. Cloud security involves applying security policies, practices, controls, and other technologies to help secure cloud environments.

Cloud security is important because it enables organizations to benefit from the flexibility, scalability, and innovation of cloud computing while minimizing the risks of data breaches, compliance violations, and service disruptions. Cloud security also helps organizations meet their regulatory and legal obligations regarding data protection and privacy.

Cloud security works by following a shared responsibility model between the cloud service provider (CSP) and the customer. The CSP is responsible for securing the cloud infrastructure, such as servers, storage, networks, and virtualization. The customer is responsible for securing the data, applications, and user access in the cloud. Depending on the type of cloud service model used (IaaS, PaaS, or SaaS), the level of responsibility may vary.

Some examples of cloud security measures are:

  • Identity and access management (IAM): This is a process of verifying the identity of users and devices and granting them appropriate permissions to access cloud resources. IAM helps prevent unauthorized access and enforce the principle of least privilege.
  • Encryption: This is a method of transforming data into an unreadable format using a secret key. Encryption helps protect data from being intercepted or tampered with while in transit or at rest in the cloud.
  • Firewall: This is a device or software that monitors and filters network traffic based on predefined rules. Firewall helps block malicious or unwanted traffic from reaching or leaving the cloud.
  • Antivirus: This is a software that detects and removes malware from devices or systems. Antivirus helps prevent malware infections that could compromise data or functionality in the cloud.
  • Backup: This is a process of creating copies of data and storing them in a separate location. Backup helps ensure data availability and recovery in case of accidental deletion, corruption, or disaster in the cloud.

If you want to learn more about cloud security, you can check out these web search results:





An ISMS Policy Statement is a document that defines the scope, objectives, and principles of an Information Security Management System (ISMS). An ISMS is a set of policies, procedures, and processes that aim to protect the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information from various threats. An ISMS Policy Statement also demonstrates the commitment of the management to implement, maintain, and improve the ISMS in accordance with the ISO 27001 standard or other relevant frameworks.

Some examples of ISMS Policy Statements are:

    • CFS: This document states that CFS is committed to securing the information of the organization and her customers from internal or external, deliberate or accidental threats. You can always read more on our page.
  • GS1 India: This document states that GS1 India is committed to securing the information of the organization and its subscribers from internal or external, deliberate or accidental threats. It also outlines the management’s responsibilities, such as meeting regulatory and legislative requirements, ensuring information security awareness among employees, conducting risk assessments and audits, and providing appropriate resources for the ISMS.
  • Systematics International Ltd: This document provides an overview of the company, the activities it carries out, and the quality standards it conforms to. It also explains how the company implements the requirements of the ISO 27001 standard, such as defining the scope and context of the ISMS, establishing information security objectives and policies, conducting risk assessments and treatment plans, measuring and improving the ISMS performance, and ensuring internal and external communication.
  • CoralPay: This document states that CoralPay is committed to the integrity of its information and implements measures to protect the organization’s information through an information security program. It also defines the scope of the ISMS, which covers all information assets, processes, and systems that support the business operations of CoralPay.

I hope this helps you understand what an ISMS Policy Statement is. If you have any further questions, please feel free to ask your ISMS Manager




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